The Science behind Mid-Foot Cycling

We did not come up with the mid-foot cycling idea. Many others have recommended this concept for years.

Elite athletes in triathlon, track- and road-racing have sneakily pedaled in the mid-foot position and have had an edge over their competitors for over a decade. The results speak for themselves and we have nothing to add regarding the biomechanics.

Our contribution, here at PatroCleats is to make mid-foot-cycling available for all. No need to get any USD1.000 custom shoes made.


A great introduction to cleat position mechanics can be learnt from Neill Stanbury who is an expert bike fitter in Brisbane, Australia. Neill talks about the Q-factor (sideways adustment) for a few minutes and thereafter elaborates on the biomechanics in the mid-foot position:


Also Steve Hogg is worth reading. If you are into bike fitting and adjustments, then check out his webpage. Here he talks about the cleat position:

Triatletes, who have the bike-run transition to consider, will find a few additional gold nuggets here:

We will let James Wilson have the final words:

For longer, scientific reads, a great start is in the Journal of Science and Cycling, 2020:

"Effect of cycling shoe cleat position on biomechanical and physiological responses during cycling and subsequent running parts of a simulated Sprint triathlon: a pilot study" Geoffrey Millour, Loic Janson, Sebastien Duc, Frédéric Puel, William Bertucci. This paper includes a long reference list.

If you are a bike-fitter and can add more good references, then please send us an email with links, so that we can make this library as updated and relevant as possible.

Enjoy the ride!

Your friends at the Mid-Foot Cycling Team.